REV UP your bulk mail with REV Mailing Give us a call or send an Email
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Data Services | Lettershop | Fulfillment


We provide a variety of labeling options.  From heat or glue, or pressure sensitive labels, to inkjetting which will print directly onto your mail piece giving it the most professional appearance. Lists that are processed by REV Mailing will also include barcoding ensuring the lowest postal rates.
Fold types available: Tri-fold, Half-fold, Double Parallel - in sizes up to 11 x 17.
Fully automated process ensures that your mailing is assembled quickly resulting in rapid turn-around and delivery. Our equipment can insert multiple pieces, up to 6 per pass into the following sizes of envelopes:
6.5 x 9.5 booklet
Stamping / Metering
We have a variety of postage methods available:
Our mailing permit number for Standard Bulk or Presort 1st Class
Your permit number
Precanceled stamp
Meter tape
1 or 2 tabs per piece ensures the maximum postal discount for barcoded mail.